11 Commitments

5 Unqualified
2 Fulfilled
3 Partially fulfilled
1 Not fulfilled

Last updated: 29 Sep 2022 
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Declaration of assets before and after appointment to positions of responsibility Fiscal IntegrityPartially fulfilled0
Internal controls in ministries and institutions Public Integrity0
Collaboration with civil society organisations Other0
Reforms to combat fraud, forgery and corruption Fiscal Integrity0
E-services system at the revenue authorities Fiscal Integrity0
Anti-Corruption Committees in all ministerial departments Public IntegrityNot fulfilled0
Phase 2 of the “eSINTAX” project. Fiscal IntegrityFulfilled0
Implementation of judicial centres Public IntegrityPartially fulfilled0
Dissemination of the Anti-Corruption Law Legislative and Institutional FrameworkPartially fulfilled0
Implementation of the anti-corruption law Legislative and Institutional FrameworkFulfilled0
Programme budget implementation mechanism Public Integrity0