13 Commitments

11 Unqualified
1 Fulfilled
1 Partially fulfilled
0 Not fulfilled

Last updated: 31 Dec 2023 
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Holding Kleptocrats Accountable Fiscal Integrity0
Anti-Corruption Technical Assistance and Capacity Building International Cooperation and Support0
Support Work of Investigative Journalists and Civil Society Networks International Cooperation and Support0
Effective Implementation of UNCAC, OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and FATF International Cooperation and Support0
FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy Business Integrity0
Support the Private Sector in its Anti-Corruption Efforts Business IntegrityFulfilled0
Apply Financial Sanctions and Visa Restrictions Fiscal Integrity0
Internationally-endorsed Guidelines for Asset Recovery Fiscal Integrity0
Support Global Asset Recovery Efforts Fiscal Integrity0
The commitment can be considered specific because it refers to a defined anti-corruption mechanism (asset confiscation and asset recovery). Fiscal Integrity0
Focus on Global Corruption Fiscal Integrity0
Anti-bribery of domestic and foreign officials Public Integrity0
UNCAC Coalition’s Transparency Pledge International Cooperation and SupportPartially fulfilled0