Vetting of Public Officers

Kenya is undertaking periodic vetting of Public Officers including polygraph testing, to determine their integrity and suitability. This preventive measure was introduced on 1st June, 2018 and started with the Heads of Accounting Units and Procurement Units in Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Parastatals.

Completion Status:
⚠ Unqualified*

*commitment is not specific or/and not measurable

Commitment filtering:

Specific: ❌ no

The commitment is not considered specific as it is a result of a presidential directive that was issued on 1 June 2018 as part of the measures taken to counter corruption and is merely a description of the already existing anti-corruption framework. The president directed all heads of procurement and accounts in government ministries, departments, agencies and parastatals to undergo fresh vetting, including polygraph testing, to determine their integrity and suitability. Those who failed the vetting were to be suspended. This was followed by a circular, Ref. No. OP/CAB.39/1A of 4 June 2018 which was signed by the Head of Public Service Commission of Kenya.

Measurable: ❌ no

The commitment is not measurable as it was an exercise already carried out through a presidential directive that was then reduced into an internal circular. There have been no further measures, either via a circular or a directive, providing instruction on how to continue or institutionalise this policy.

Last updated: 30 November 2020
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