Transparency of political donations and funding

Enhance the transparency of political donations and funding: Australia will investigate options for enhancing the electoral funding and disclosure scheme.

Completion Status:
⚠ Unqualified*

*commitment is not specific or/and not measurable

Commitment filtering:


This commitment is specific because it identifies a sufficiently narrow policy area, namely to enhance the transparency of political donations and funding in Australia.

Measurable: ❌ no

This commitment is not measurable since it does not commit to undertaking any specific actions that will move Australia forward in terms of enhancing its electoral funding and disclosure scheme. (While in its Second Open Government National Action Plan (2018-2020), where this commitment was first made, there is a commitment to “enhancing the timeliness and the accessibility” of electoral funding information,[1] this is not sufficiently concrete). Instead, it only commits to investigating options for enhancing Australia’s electoral funding and disclosure scheme. The non-committal language used means the commitment is not measurable.

[1] Australia’s Second Open Government National Action Plan 2018-20,

Last updated: 30 January 2022
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