Private sector integrity assessment

We commit to pursue assessing private sector integrity level by systemically diagnosing integrity level and corruption-causing factors in the private sector to support the private sector with their voluntary integrity efforts.

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This commitment is specific as it aims to develop a model for measuring the integrity of the private sector by systemically diagnosing the integrity level and corruption-causing factors in the private sector.


We can measure whether a model for systemically diagnosing the integrity level and corruption-causing factors in the private sector has been developed.

Last updated: 30 November 2020
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In 2018, the ACRC developed a model to systemically diagnose the integrity level of the industrial sector, so that corporations can measure the integrity level of their own business management.1 The ACRC uses this model to assist the private sector with their voluntary integrity efforts and to establish new policies. Private sector integrity level was assessed by Korean Institute of Criminology in 2019, by using the integrity assessment model developed by ACRC.2 According to the ACRC the press release of the integrity index diagnosis and the result was published in June 2019. would need to be the result of a government-civil society cooperation.

Challenges to effective commitment implementation
The ACRC developed a private sector integrity index to measure the private sector’s integrity level and clarify the level of corruption in the private sector as well as to systemically diagnose causes of corruption and provide solutions. However, measuring the widespread corruption in the private sector and providing a single index was a challenging operation. Nevertheless, the model attempted by the ACRC achieved certain feats in developing an integrity index for each industry/corporation. Further research is needed to develop a corruption index for the private sector, like the CPI, for the public sector.

Opportunities to accelerate commitment implementation
If the commitment leads to a corruption perception index for the private sector, which measures the private sector’s corruption level along with CPI implemented in the public sector, the operation could have great meaning, but it would need to be the result of a government-civil society cooperation.

Use the data to measure the integrity index of each industry/corporation frequently, and pursue efforts to develop a private sector integrity index.