High-Level Reporting Mechanism

Implement the High-Level Reporting Mechanism in the bidding process for the Safe Highway and Roads Network Project.

Completion Status:
⚠ Unqualified*

*commitment is not specific or/and not measurable

Commitment filtering:

Specific: ❌ no

Even though this commitment identifies a sufficiently narrow anti-corruption mechanism, it is not considered specific, because the bidding process ended in June 2018, before the commitment was made at the IACC in October 2018.[1] The Safe Highway and Roads Network Project was a public-private partnership infrastructure project that included the construction of roads and railways, and the paving of six road corridors in five provinces.[2] The High-Level Reporting Mechanism is a specific protocol for reporting or filing alerts over ethical irregularities during the bidding for public-private partnership contracts.[3] Such irregularities include bribery or attempted bribery, conflicts of interest, or influence peddling.[4]

[1] See Annex 2.

[2] Anti-Corruption Office, Anti-Corruption Office Management Report 2015-2019, p.57,   https://www.argentina.gob.ar/sites/default/files/informe_de_gestion_oa_2015-2019_1.pdf

[3] Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina, Law Nª 27.328, https://www.boletinoficial.gob.ar/detalleAviso/primera/154833/20161130?busqueda=1

; Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina, Executive Order N° 118/2017, Annex I, Art. 24, https://www.boletinoficial.gob.ar/detalleAviso/primera/159233/20170220

[4] Anti-Corruption Office, Anti-Corruption Office Management Report, https://www.argentina.gob.ar/sites/default/files/informe_de_gestion_oa_2015-2019_1.pdf

Measurable: ❌ no

Even though the commitment identifies several measurable actions in relation to the High-Level Reporting Mechanism during the bidding process for the Safe Highway and Roads Network Project, these actions had already been implemented before the commitment was made, and are therefore not measurable.

Last updated: 22 October 2022
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