Citizen access to personal health data

Over the past 10 years, regional governments have invested in digital solutions for their healthcare systems. The Ministry of Health is committed to ensuring that data and information are further strengthened to ensure the confidentiality of personally sensitive information and a high level of security in the digital infrastructure. This includes ensuring increased transparency and access for citizens to their own health data and giving citizens access to log information to see who has accessed their patient data and check for suspicious unlawful data access.

Completion Status:
Partially fulfilled

Commitment filtering:


The commitment specifies that citizens should have improved access to and obtain a better insight into their own health data. However, exactly how the Ministry of Health is supposed to strengthen the confidentiality of this data is unclear.


This commitment is deemed measurable to a certain degree as it is possible to measure how well sensitive information is digitally secured. However, it is unclear how one would measure the level of security, transparency and access regarding citizen’s personal data.

Last updated: 30 November 2020
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To improve confidentiality and transparency of personal information and a high level of security in the digital infrastructure, the Ministry of Health has implemented Mit Overblik (My Overview) in collaboration with the Danish Agency of Digitisation. My Overview is an information guide for citizens that supplements existing authorities’ platforms. My Overview will be implemented in four annual stages leading up to 2023.

Challenges to effective commitment implementation
Implementing a new digital infrastructure requires both learning and adoption by its users. Therefore, it may take time before the use of “My Overview” is completely adopted.

As the commitment will only be fully implemented in 2023 it is not yet meaningful to provide recommendations on the implementation of the commitment.